
What is your refund policy?
You can cancel your order for a full refund at any time before your prescription is written by the doctor. For every following month, you can cancel a...
How do I cancel?
Please go to your portal and choose "Cancel Plan".
Are there any long term contracts with RemedyMeds?
Our membership is month-to-month, and patients can cancel at any time before their next month of medication. We prioritize patient comfort and safety,...
Does my subscription automatically renew each month?
All subscriptions are automatically charged on a monthly basis until actively canceled. You can cancel by going to your portal and choosing "Cancel Pl...
Am I able to change my billing date?
Billing dates are based on when you signed up for the program and we charge every 28 days. However, there are cases where shipments are significantly ...
Why was I charged without receiving medication?
This document outlines the billing process for subscriptions at RemedyMeds, ensuring that our customers are well-informed about how charges are applie...
How do I update my payment method or billing address?
Updating Payment Method: You can update your payment method easily from your Remedy Meds portal. Go to and click Your Portal...
How do I reactivate my account if I canceled?
Please email to reactivate your account.
Are there any costs besides the monthly subscription?
There are no other costs besides the monthly subscription. The subscription is all-inclusive.